Metadata | Description |
title | Title of the article or page |
date | Publication date (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS) |
modified | Modification date (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS) |
tags | Content tags, separated by commas |
keywords | Content keywords, separated by commas (HTML content only) |
category | Content category (one only — not multiple) |
slug | Identifier used in URLs and translations |
author | Content author, when there is only one |
authors | Content authors, when there are multiple |
summary | Brief description of content for index pages |
lang | Content language ID (en, fr, etc.) |
translation | If content is a translation of another (true or false) |
status | Content status: draft, hidden, or published |
template | Name of template to use to generate content (without extension) |
save_as | Save content to this relative file path |
url | URL to use for this article/page |
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